• I heard the sound of the bone snapping before I felt the pain. It was the end of a grueling workout and my karate instructor had challenged us to finish by attempting a difficult technique. I knew I was too fatigued to perform well, but when the younger students eagerly responded, I foolishly followed my pride. As I jumped into the air to perform a series of kicks, I failed to get enough height and landed with my leg beneath me, breaking the bone in three separate places. Seconds later, I was lying on the floor screaming in pain. It was a moment I will never forget. Months later,[...]

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    "And I still haven’t found what I’m looking for.” Does the chorus of this well-loved song echo a message that’s always playing somewhere deep inside you? I don’t mean on the surface. On the surface of your life, you’re busy — so busy that questions like this can frustrate or even anger you. But even if you’re frustrated, stop and think for a moment. Is the message there? I know it is because it’s there for me, too. And I know from personal experience that throughout even the happiest, most fulfilling life, you can still feel a calling to something [...]

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    September 17, 1937. A date that probably holds no significance for you, but one that made all the difference in my life. On that date, a young man named Bill, recently discharged from the Army, married a girl named Ann. They were like any other married couple, then or now, with great dreams for their life together and the youthful optimism to believe that those dreams would come true. And their greatest dream was to have a child. One year passed, and then another and another, and still their dream was not realized. In all, 17 years would go by as they waited and prayed for the gift of a [...]

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