• Speaking

  • Jim is a highly-acclaimed keynote speaker, having given over 600 presentations to audiences ranging from 10,000 to small senior executive gatherings. Through FranklinCovey, Jim is available to speak on a variety of topics specific to your organization or drawn from FranklinCovey programs. Presentations are customized to include Jim’s personal experience and tailored to fit the needs of your company and event.

    Topics Include:

  • Through the Disciplines of Execution you become focused on the strategy most important to the company, and you engage the minds and hearts of every employee on corporate goals. Greater efficiency is the benefit.



  • You can learn and adopt a unique formula for leadership that integrates the three dimensions of personal, cultural, and execution excellence - a powerful combination that will challenge and inspire you to become a more successful and productive leader.


  • Jim serves as your guide to a journey that will transform your life, awakening the dream of all that you want to be and offering practical methods for making that dream a reality. Choose Your Life! goes far beyond the traditional ideas of work-life balance.